Whether you're a short or long term renter, being the newbie on the street or in the apartment block can feel a bit daunting, and it may be tempting to retreat into the comfort of your new home! However taking the time to say hello and introduce yourself is a great way to feel more settled and get a feel for your local area. Here are some good ice-breakers:
- Pop round briefly and introduce yourself. Making the first move will reassure them that you’re a friendly neighbour who’s keen to be on good terms.
- Spend some time outside your home if you can, cleaning your car or doing a bit of gardening. You can chat to neighbours as they pass by without the pressure of a more formal catch-up.
- Take a walk around your local streets. You’ll soon start to recognise a few faces and get a sense of who’s living nearby. Especially great if you have a dog! Find the local dog walking routes and you're sure to get chatting with fellow dog owners.
- Host a small (quiet!) housewarming gathering. If you’re feeling brave, inviting some of your closest neighbours for a few drinks is the perfect way to get to know them better.
- Join local community groups - if in doubt search for your street/area/development on Facebook as there's sure to be a page set up. It’s a great opportunity to get to know people and show support for your local area.